Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What I´m Doing Now - Listening to Stortyellers

"Stories have the felicitous capacity of capturing exactly those elements that formal decision methods leave out. Logic tries do generalize, to strip the decision making form the specific context, to remove it from subjective emotions. Stories capture the context, capture the emotions...Stories are important cognitive events, for they encapsulate, into one compact package, information, knowledge, context, and emotion."
Don Norman

I just finished reading to all of our fantastic storytellers-educators. Evânia, Márcia Sawaya, Moacyr, Beckye, Kamyla, each one bringing a different perspective to what it means to be an educator. The interesting thing is that most of those educators, instead of talking about themselves, mainly talked about their students and learning, which means that they have the true spirit of lifelonglearners, generous souls who are inspired by their learners. Every story represents bits of our lives worth being told. The richness storytelling brings to the classroom is incredibly powerful, and I do hope many of us get inspired by them.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This is Where I Am Now

This is Where I Am Now
Originally uploaded by carlaarena
In Flickr Group
Appreciating the Mosaic of creations
Considering possibilities
Amazed at everyone's views of the world
Contemplating the big picture
Astounded by our collective work

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 1 - Get Started

photo by

Bud the Teacher wrote a thought-provoking blog post with an open letter to the teachers available at

After reading his blog post and watching the following video, reflect and share with your colleagues at least two aspects of your teaching that you want to change or give a different approach:

Then, reply to at least one of your peers by adding a comment or asking a question.

Make this space an open area for your thoughts about the beginning of this journey.

Click on "Comments".